HITRUST Certification Requirements Guide for 2023

Explore the essential HITRUST certification requirements in this comprehensive guide. Learn the steps, costs, and benefits of becoming HITRUST certified.

The Health Information Trust Alliance, commonly known as HITRUST, is a vital framework for data security. Established to create a standardized and certifiable approach to security compliance, it helps organizations protect sensitive and regulated data, particularly within the healthcare sector. 

This article guides you through the complex landscape of HITRUST certification requirements. Whether you are a healthcare executive, an IT professional, or someone interested in data security standards, this comprehensive guide aims to demystify the steps, costs, and benefits associated with becoming certified in 2023.

What Is HITRUST Certification?

It is a recognized and prestigious security accreditation demonstrating an organization's commitment to maintaining the highest data protection and compliance standards. It incorporates elements from various security standards and regulations, including HIPAA, PCI, NIST, and ISO, creating a unified and streamlined set of controls. Companies that achieve it have demonstrated compliance with these stringent controls through a rigorous assessment process conducted by a HITRUST-approved assessor.

HITRUST Importance in Healthcare and Other Industries

With the increasing cyber threats and data breaches, medical providers are under immense pressure to safeguard patient data. To this end, HITRUST certification guarantees that an organization takes proactive and comprehensive steps to protect sensitive information. Essentially, it provides a framework that addresses healthcare organizations' unique regulatory challenges, cutting down the risk of breaches and fines associated with non-compliance. 

However, its relevance extends beyond healthcare. As data security becomes a global concern, industries such as finance, retail, and technology are also adopting it. In the financial sector, where institutions handle vast amounts of sensitive personal and monetary data, HITRUST certification can help mitigate the risks of data exposure and identity theft. Similarly, for retailers, who process countless transactions daily, it offers a framework to secure customer data and payment information, thereby fostering trust and loyalty among consumers.

What Are the HITRUST Certification Requirements?

Here are some of the core domains and categories that encapsulate the requirements for HITRUST Certification:

Risk Assessment

A foundational element of HITRUST certification is conducting a thorough risk assessment. This involves pinpointing potential threats and susceptibilities that could impact the security of sensitive data. Organizations must assess the chance and impact of these vulnerabilities and create plans to address them. This process is iterative and should be revisited regularly to account for changes in the firm's environment and threat landscape. 

StepDescriptionKey ActivitiesFrequency
Risk IdentificationCataloging potential security threats and vulnerabilities affecting the data and systems.1. Inventory of assets 2. Threat assessment 3. Vulnerability scanningAs needed
Risk AnalysisEvaluating the likelihood and impact of identified risks.1. Risk scoring 2. Impact assessment 3. Likelihood assessmentQuarterly
Risk MitigationImplementing strategies to reduce or eliminate the identified risks.1. Develop mitigation plans 2. Implement security measures 3. Employee trainingAfter Risk Analysis
Review and UpdateRegularly revisiting and updating the risk assessment, especially in light of changes.1. Audit of implemented measures 2. Re-assess risks 3. Update plansBi-annually

Security Controls

HITRUST requires the implementation of a robust set of safety controls. These rules, outlined in the Common Security Framework (CSF), are designed to address a wide range of security risks, including the following: 

  • Technical Measures: Encryption, access controls, network security, and intrusion detection systems.
  • Physical Safeguards: Secure data centers, access control to physical locations, and surveillance systems.
  • Administrative Actions: Security policies, incident response plans, and employee training programs.

Policies and Procedures

Providers must develop and maintain comprehensive security policies and procedures to achieve certification. These documents:

  • Define the Security Stance: Clearly outline the safety measures and why they are necessary.
  • Assign Roles and Responsibilities: Specifying who is responsible for various security aspects, from the executive level to individual employees.
  • Outline Action Plans: Detailing the steps that will be taken in various scenarios to protect sensitive data.
  • Regular Review: These policies and procedures must be reviewed to ensure they are effective and compliant with evolving regulations and standards.

Training and Awareness

Organizations must take a multi-faceted approach to ensure that all employees are well-versed in the importance of data security. First and foremost, it is imperative to educate all staff members on the company’s specific security policies and procedures. However, training should not be a one-off event. Regular updates are essential to keep the workforce abreast of new threats and changes in the security posture. Additionally, to gauge the efficacy of the training and to ensure a state of readiness, a company should conduct regular assessments or drills that test employee knowledge and preparedness for various security scenarios.

Testing and Auditing

Testing and auditing are key aspects of the provider's security controls and practices. This includes the following:

  • Internal Audits: Conducted by the organization's staff or a third party to assess compliance with the HITRUST CSF.
  • External Audits: HITRUST-approved assessors provide an independent and objective evaluation of the organization's security posture.
  • Corrective Actions: Any identified issues must be addressed promptly, and corrective actions must be documented and verified through follow-up audits.

Steps Involved in Acquiring HITRUST Certificate

The process for obtaining a HITRUST certification involves multiple steps and requirements. Below are some of the main aspects:

1. Readiness Assessment

Before diving into the certification process, organizations initiate a readiness assessment. In this phase, they collaborate with an approved assessor to scrutinize their existing security controls. The primary objective is to pinpoint discrepancies or gaps in requirements. This examination gives organizations a clear picture of where they stand and what improvements are necessary to align with HITRUST standards.

2. Remediation

Post the readiness assessment, the spotlight shifts to addressing the identified gaps. Providers must undertake corrective measures to bridge any shortcomings in their safety controls. This phase might involve technical adjustments, policy revisions, or operation changes to ensure compliance.

3. Formal Assessment

Once the remediation phase concludes, an in-depth evaluation is carried out. An assessor delves deep into the firm's security controls, policies, and procedures. This comprehensive review ensures that all measures align with the HITRUST CSF and that the organization has effectively addressed the gaps identified during the readiness assessment.

4. Submission to HITRUST

A detailed report encapsulating the results is crafted upon completion of the formal assessment. This information is then forwarded for a meticulous review, ensuring the conducted examination was thorough and unbiased.

5. Quality Assurance Review

HITRUST conducts a quality assurance review of the submitted assessment. This step ensures that the check aligns with all requisite standards and that no stone was left unturned during the evaluation.

6. Certification Awarded

If the organization successfully clears the quality assurance review and meets all CSF requirements, they are awarded the HITRUST certificate. This certification is a testament to the firm's data security and compliance commitment.

7. Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance

Earning the certificate is not the end of the journey. Post-certification, companies are mandated to maintain a vigilant eye on their security controls. Continuous monitoring ensures that the controls remain effective and up-to-date. Moreover, periodic re-assessments might be necessary to ascertain that the organization retains its certification status, especially in the face of evolving threats and changing regulations.

How Long Does HITRUST Certificate Last?

Once granted, HITRUST certification is valid for a period of two years, reflecting the stringent criteria set by the framework to ensure that organizations sustain elevated levels of data security and compliance. However, this two-year duration isn't one of complacency; companies must actively uphold their standards throughout. At the end of the first year, businesses must undergo an interim review to verify that they align with the HITRUST CSF requirements. 

The rationale behind this mid-term check is to make certain that there haven't been any significant deviations or lapses in security controls or practices. Given the dynamic nature of cybersecurity threats and the ever-evolving domain of data protection, a year is a long time, and new vulnerabilities can emerge. If the interim review flags any issues or areas of non-compliance, the organization must address them without delay. Swift action is about retaining the certification status and ensuring that the company’s data remains secure and that they continue to operate within the best data protection practices.

Firms can't simply extend or rollover their existing status to renew the certificate. They must undergo a full re-assessment. This comprehensive review is akin to the initial assessment process, ensuring that the company continues to meet the strict standards set by HITRUST. 

How Much Does HITRUST Certification Cost?

The certification cost can vary widely based on several factors, including the organization's size and complexity, the assessment's scope, and the services provided by the approved assessor. On average, small to medium-sized businesses might spend anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000, while larger entities could face costs exceeding $200,000. These figures encompass the readiness assessment, remediation efforts, the formal assessment fee, and other associated costs. 

How Long Does It Take To Get HITRUST Certified?

The timeline to achieve the certificate can be influenced by various factors, including the organization's initial readiness, the extent of remediation required, and the thoroughness of the checks. Typically, the entire process, from the initial readiness assessment to receiving the certification, can span anywhere from nine to 18 months. The readiness phase and remediation efforts often consume the most time. Hence, companies that are better prepared and have robust security controls in place might navigate the process more swiftly.

Eden Data Can Help You Become HITRUST Certified

Navigating the complex maze of HITRUST compliance? Eden Data is your compass, offering guidance and expertise that helps you reach your destination with confidence. Here's how we can support your unique needs:

Seed Plan: Your Onboarding Experience

New to compliance? Our 'Seed' plan provides a foundational understanding across multiple compliance frameworks, including SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and, of course, HITRUST.

Sprout Plan: Elevate Your Security Measures

For companies that have moved beyond the basics, our 'Sprout' plan complements your existing security efforts. It offers expert insights to fortify your defenses effectively.

Sapling Plan: A Comprehensive Approach

For those who seek a full-service package, the 'Sapling' plan offers it all – compliance, security, and privacy. Our seasoned professionals act as your Data Protection Officers, guaranteeing that you meet international data security standards.

Why Choose Eden Data?

  • Predictable Costs: Financial planning is easier when you know what to expect. We offer transparent pricing without any hidden fees.
  • No Onboarding Fees: Starting your journey with us is as effortless as it should be – no initial costs are required.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Our commitment to excellence is unwavering, and we strive to make certain that you’re thoroughly pleased with our services.
  • Experienced Team: We offer expertise that only comes from years of industry experience. Each member of our team is a knowledgeable professional in their respective domain.
  • Our Focus: Security, compliance, and privacy aren’t just service offerings; they're our raison d'être. We are committed to safeguarding your data, ensuring compliance, and upholding the highest privacy standards.

Ready to embark on your compliance journey with a trusted partner? Eden Data is here to guide you every step of the way. Level up your security today! 


HITRUST certification is a testament to a firm's dedication to data security and compliance, underscoring its commitment to safeguarding sensitive information in an ever-evolving digital landscape. For businesses, especially in sectors like healthcare, finance, and technology, achieving this certification enhances their reputation and instills trust among stakeholders and clients. Organizations contemplating a robust security framework should seriously consider this, as it sets the gold standard in data protection. If you aim for excellence in data security, consulting a HITRUST assessor is the first step. Let Eden Data help you fortify your defenses against potential threats. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is HITRUST worth it?

HITRUST certification demonstrates a robust commitment to data security, enhancing trust with stakeholders and clients and making it a valuable investment for many organizations.

What is the passing score for HITRUST?

To achieve HITRUST certification, organizations must meet a minimum score of 3 out of 5 across all assessed controls, ensuring they adhere to stringent security standards.

What does it mean to be HITRUST certified?

Being certified signifies that an organization meets rigorous data protection standards, showcasing its dedication to safeguarding sensitive information and compliance excellence.

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